We introduce you BI of KJ&C's EZWOOD
The logo of EZWOOD was designed with the motif of the roof shape.
The shape of roof that is interlocked each other expresses the beauty of nature like a flower blooms.
Signature _ Combination of up and down

Signature _ Combination of left and right

Color System
Color is divided into offline color applied to the printout, promotional material, signatures, etc. and the online colors applied to homepage, mobile, etc. Since it is the element that plays important role for image delivery, systematic management is required in order to be used by maintaining the exact color, brightness, chroma, etc. For the exact management of color utilization, the Pantone Color provided below should be applied as production standard.
Depending on the case, spot color printing can be applied. The standard color ratio for online media is presented in this section.
Provision of Minimum Space
Word mark can maintain the is the provision of minimum space to maintain the power of delivery and the attractiveness of color as long as it secures the certain independent space depending on the media applied. The precaution should be taken in order not to interfere any graphic element in the space provided. The contents mentioned in this section are the provision for minimum space to maintain independent space and are applied to the online banner, billboard, etc. When using it, it should be used by amplifying or contracting exactly according to the proportion.